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A grand ritual of awakening and a trip to the spa!



To get the ball rolling I've decided to take a 1000 point list to a little tournament in a spa this weekend. I've had 4 weeks to get this done whilst also trying to balance a new addition to the family . This has been a lesson in speed painting though the results are very satisfactory.

The colour scheme was chosen by my three year old on a trip to Warhammer World and I really like the effect. Consultation fee of one Elsa doll has been paid!

So the list is as follows:

Vampire Lord

10 Skeletons with ancient blades and shields.

10 Skeletons with ancient blades and shields.

3 Spirit Hosts

Mortis Engine


This has mostly been put together from starter boxes with the Mourngal quick to paint and getting 400 points finished fast (bit much at 1000 points but the tournament is meant to be smash your mate then take a tip in the hot tub before the next round ?).

I also want to start to get a feel for the army. Having played Stormcast for a year I went from relatively clueless at SCGT  placing 87th to 6th at Warlords. For me nothing beats practice and total immersion in your list to fine tune things and learn the strengths and limitations.

The pictures show progress so far. Just the Mortis Engine to go! 

As I wander through my experience with Death I'll post up all my musings and results along with all the background for my growing legion. First practice game this afternoon!









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First practice game at 1000 points vs Alarielle, Kraggi, 2 x10 Skinks and 3 Kurnous Hunters.

3 places of power. 

I wiped out everything but the Mourngal just couldn't quite break through Alarielle's defences. 

List cleary needs a second character to compete and spread around allegiance ability joy!



Edited by Beardyface
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Second game vs Runesmiter, Battlesmith, Kraggi, 30 Vulkite Berserkers, 10 Skinks, 3 Kurnoth Hunters and a Gryph Hound.

Gift from the Heavens. 

VB came out way to early in this scenario and allowed my whole army to go in turn 1. Chewed through them losing only a few Skeletons and 2 Spirit Hosts. The Mortis Engine had a blinder with it's shooting and spirits in combat. Love the model and fun in game too. 

Major Victory


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Mortis engine finally finished with a healthy 11 hours to go before the tournament kicks off. Can't decide if playing a tournament in dressing gowns and swimming shorts is a genius idea or horror show waiting to happen. Tomorrow will reveal all (though hopefully not too much ?).


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Nice, fresh colour scheme - which might not be what you want to hear said of an undead army! :)

How do you find the Shattered Dominion bases?

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1 hour ago, Tommy said:

Nice, fresh colour scheme - which might not be what you want to hear said of an undead army! :)

How do you find the Shattered Dominion bases?


It is the intention with this army having let my little girl dictate the colour scheme. Personally I like how the pink stands out accords the army so far. It's going to be dominated by Lahmian Vampires as well so is suitably 'girly girl' for them!


I've quite enjoyed painted the bases and helping to tie the army together. They're certainly more detailed (and interesting) the bigger they get though. They're really quick to paint as well which is a big plus in my current situation with little free time.

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