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Excelsior Warpriest



One of the best looking models in the Silver Tower box is the Excelsior Warpriest. I really like the Games Workshop colour scheme so I decided to paint him this way. This is how I did it:

Step 1:
Brown primer applied with airbrush.

Step 2: Skin
First of all I gave the skin a wash with Druchii Voilet. Then I layered using a wet palette. These are the colours I used: Abaddon black, Vallejo Panzer Aces dark rust, Beasty brown, Vallejo Panzer Aces light rust.

warpriest 1.jpg

Step 3: White cloth
The white robe is actually a grey one. After my base layer of Celestra grey I gave it a wash using 3 parts Lahmian medium to 1 part Nuln oil. When this wash was dry I layered going from Celestra grey to Ulthuan Grey. I finished this of with some highlights of white.

warpriest 3.jpg

Step 4: Gold and silver

The gold was done with a base layer of Retributor armour, a wash of Reikland fleshshade, a focused layer of Retributor armour, a layer of Auric armour gold and finally a highlight of Runefang steel.  The silver was done with a base of Leadbelcher, a wash of Nuln oil, another layer of Leadbelcher and a highlight with Runefang steel.
After completing this step, change your water and clean your brushes. This is to avoid getting metallic flakes in your paint.

warpriest 4.jpg

Step 5: Red cape.
This was fun to paint! I started with a base coat of Mephiston Red followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade. Then I layered going from Mephiston red to Evil Sunz scarlet using the wet palette. Finally I highlighted with some layers of very thinned down Wild Rider red. The result is very vibrant.

warpriest 5.jpg

Then I painted the lightning designs on the cape with Retributor armour and gave it 2 washes of Reikland fleshshade.

warpriest 8.jpg

Step 6: Ribbons and book
The ribbons were painted with a base of Zandri dust, a wash of Agrax earthshade and some layers of Vallejo Game Colour Bonewhite.

warpriest 6.jpg

The book was done in the same way as the ribbons, but after the layers of Bonewhite I gave it a wash of Seraphim sepia. When this was dry I gave multiple layers of extremely thinned down Vallejo Bonewhite.

warpriest 7.jpg

Step 7: Last details and retouching.
This is where your hard work pays off. I painted the last details of het miniature such as the shafts of the weapons, the text of the book end some medallions. The final step is giving the model a coat of varnish. I used a gloss varnish on the metallics, a matte varnish on the skin and a layer of anti-shine on his robes and cloak.

And here he is completed:

Warpriest final 1.jpg

Warpriest final 3.jpg


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