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Path to Glory Has Issues



I take a look into what may be a massive problem with a new format of the General's Handbook. To let you know ahead of time, I consider points the primary consideration through this entire piece. Bringing up tactics like use of hordes, fast units, elites, summoning, and monsters is a good point, but I'm going to bust it open at the very end.

Did you choose Chaos for a Path to Glory Campaign? No! Don't worry! I won't judge harshly! Yet...

So which god did you pick? From what I'll show you: IT DOESN'T MATTER! But Nurgle is better. There is a massive Caveat worth mentioning, and it's that if you are randomly deciding which table you're rolling on (Between Retinue, Hero, Monster, Brayherd, or Warherd), the Answer to which god is best is either Tzeentch or Nurgle. Then it's Any Patron before choosing Khorne or Slaanesh.

So who's your champion? The Chaos Lord that provides 6 Units and is available for any god is the correct choice, hands down. More on that later

So what table did you choose to roll on? If you said Brayherd, you've chosen wrong. If you chose Nurgle Retinue, you've chosen well but are taking an unnecessary 1/6 risk to end up with 2 Chaos Spawns instead of 5 Blightkings (Yuck!). Same goes for the Warherd Table as the Doombull is a low point risk. The table you want however, is the Monster Table, as it offers a minimum of 180 points, provides an average of 203 points, and has the highest chance of hitting the highest possible unit peak of 220 points without the risk of hitting 120 points.

So lets go to what we end up with if we roll only on the Monster table vs rolling on the other tables.

All of the other tables will average a total of 125.083... points on average, while our Monsters Table averages 203. Even if we do something stupid like choosing a champion with 4 units instead of one with 6 units, our Monsters team holds a 812 to 500.33... lead, and a 311 point advantage. If we chose correctly and went with a Chaos Lord as our leader, this blossoms into a 1218 to 750.5 lead in models, providing an extra 467 points.

Justification for the Chaos Lord over any other choice: For everything but a Lord/Sorcerer on Manticore, a monster is providing 200 or 400 points for what is only a 20 or 40 point gain on the General. The Lord on Manticore is indeed a monster himself. However, it takes two spots away, which is easily made equal with one Monster and another Monster to purchase.

My counterpoint to the above mention of tactics is that a 400 point advantage in what would be a 800 point contest is HUGE. It's having half an extra army compared to the opponent. It overwhelms any advantage that tactical units bring to the table.

A second counterpoint is that most Heroes are underrated with how good they are and well worth more than their points, to which I agree.

I think that Path to Glory is a fantastic format for building your personal force. However, may be a permanent competitve fixture if a certain amount of rebalancing is added on to it. It's something I would add to my ever growing list of hobby projects. If it's something you'd like to see in the future, or you'd like to contest something I've mentioned, please leave a comment, and have a Super Happy Day!

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Did you look at the Death section of Path to Glory yet, because hoo boy, you really haven't seen "issues" yet if you didn't.

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Path to glory isnt meant to be played competitively though. Its pretty easy to break it if thats what you want to do... the solution is to play with people who dont powergame fluffy formats, or to roll randomly to choose your table, which imo is more fun anyway.

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On 8/1/2016 at 7:51 AM, Karlbonner said:

Path to glory isnt meant to be played competitively though. Its pretty easy to break it if thats what you want to do... the solution is to play with people who dont powergame fluffy formats, or to roll randomly to choose your table, which imo is more fun anyway.

On 8/1/2016 at 11:44 AM, AngryWarlock said:

What if it is supposed to be fun and not competitive?

I agree it's supposed to be for fun. But a balanced system that can also be used competitively doesn't stop any of that from occurring. I'd like a rule such as "roll on each of the tables before choosing your re-roll. 

I didn't even mention how lacking the order factions are. Kind of a shame that there aren't more units for each of those factions.

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