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A naming problem



Hi Guys,

at the moment, I'm a little slow at painting because of soccer WM (even as germany left in the group phase)

Yesterday I realized something when looking for the name "Order of the Yellow Rose"

Once there is a monk Order in D&D as it looks like: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Monastery_of_the_Yellow_Rose

and there was someone on Twitter saying that his son joined the Order of the Yellow rose. So the order is a real thing?

Hm, I know that I used places of other games ("Eloni" was a map of Spellforce) but normally I didn't wanted to use a real existing organisation (because of not knowing what they have done).

On the other hand, "Order of the Yellow rose" doesn't scream "Worshipper of Alarielle". After I didn't painted any banner yet (partly do to the point that a rose is not easy to paint) there is the question, what other name I could give the order?

The closest thing to a Alarielle Worshipper would be something like "Order of Alarielle" or "Cult of Alarielle" but this doesn't sound right.

Another thing, refering Ghyran would be something like "Order of Leaves"

There is also the case that every Standard of the Order has the Heart with Thorns on it's top and my Maiden Guard uses the Heartsymbols, so perhaps something in this direction.

Does anyone have suggestings to this?


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How about you just change the "yellow" part of your name?
Order of the Amber Rose has more or less the same  ring to it. A quick google search told me nothing like this exists at the moment (besides that one celebrity Amber Rose but I dont think anybody would confuse these two). Alternatively: Order of the golden rose? 

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3 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

How about you just change the "yellow" part of your name?
Order of the Amber Rose has more or less the same  ring to it. A quick google search told me nothing like this exists at the moment (besides that one celebrity Amber Rose but I dont think anybody would confuse these two). Alternatively: Order of the golden rose? 

So the rose itself would still be yellow but called in another way?

On twitter I got those as suggestions:

Order of Pure Water, Order of the Crystal Lake, Order of the Verdant Cycle

The first two are sounding more like something for Bretonnia (in the third case I don't know if it is spelled wrong.)

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2 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

So the rose itself would still be yellow but called in another way?

On twitter I got those as suggestions:

Order of Pure Water, Order of the Crystal Lake, Order of the Verdant Cycle

The first two are sounding more like something for Bretonnia (in the third case I don't know if it is spelled wrong.)

Yeah, in heraldry yellow and gold are practically the same thing so you would be good to go. 

Order of the crystal lake or order of the verdant cycle sound good too. Only order of pure water sounds too unimaginative in my opinion. 

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If you want Alarielle Centric:

Scions of the Everqueen

Order of the Eternal Goddess


Or make up a season related aspect, Alarielle forests do after all follow the seasons so in spring shes likely revered as a Fertility Goddess, in Summer when all is warm and bouyant life she might even be revered as the goddess of Ale and Festivities. In autumn goddess of the Harvest etc. They might even have a winter festival where they give thanks to her for the year of good life, and so on

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21 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

Scions of the Everqueen

Order of the Eternal Goddess


Interestingly something like "Order of the Everqueen" I thought after @Gecktron last post. Would perhaps sound better than "Order of Alarielle".

In case of Scions, I think that would be more related to Sylvaneth than Aelfs and Humans.

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First I thought Order of the golden rose could be a good Idea, but than I found multiple posts on Twitter with exacly that wording.

After I didn't found anything to "Order of the Verdant Cycle" I think I choose this. I made two collector tweets on Twitter that could be found with #OrderOfTheVerdantCycle

Now I have to change the references in my stories. The advantage is that I'm now free, what I want to use for my banners, too.

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