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Time of War: Ghur: ' Shrouded Fens'



As I mentioned in the introduction post the league will have a strong narrative element. I plan to be provide my players a number of tools they can use to add this to the games. None of these ideas are going to be mandatory, due to the difference in experience of the players in the league.

The first of these ideas is a custom time of war for the campaign. The idea for the Shrouded Fens came from the descriptions of Albion from the dark shadows summer campaign of 2001. This campaign was ran at the height of my teenage years and I still own a copy of the campaign booklet.

I played with the idea of re-using the whole book, and I may at some time work on the missions within the book and turn them into battle plans for parts of the story.  But one of the most memorial things in the setting was the charts for weather. So I sat down and decided to rebuild the system for AOS. I have listed it below and would love to hear feedback.  And other ideas for ways to make the campaign more thematic.



Time of War: Ghur: ' Shrouded Fens'

Legend speaks of a lost cash of treasures that were hidden in the region at the end of the age of myth. A number of armies are marching on this region, to either locate this horde or to stop others getting it.

Games played in the Shrouded Fens may use the following special rules with both players agreement

Changing Weather: Most of the in other realms time battles are fought in fairly good weather.  This is never the case in the shrouded marshes, rain and fog is near constant. This is represented by the following ‘weather table’. At the start of the game the weather is a light drizzle (3). At the start of every game turn roll a Roll a D6. Then apply the following results to the weather table.

1-2: + 1 to the weather number, 3-4: No Change, 5-6: +1 to the weather number


Weather Number

Current Weather




Driving Rain and Gales

Sheets of bitterly cold rain lash, gales blow arrows and bolts all over the sky: Flying Movement is at half normal rate (movement on ground still allowed). All shooting attacks are at -1 to hit. All units suffer -1 moral due to the extreme conditions.



Light Drizzle and Fog

Wraiths of Mists shroud both forces, the air is heavy and damp: All shooting over 18” are at -1 to hit. All charge moves are at -2”.



Light Drizzle

All the troops are a bit soggy and there is much grumbling, but there is a war on!: Everyone expects rain in the Shrouded Marshes. No effect.




Heavy showers periodically soak the armies, though it does nothing to halt the killing; Treat all Scenery as ‘Deadly’.



Torrential Rain

The Skys open and the armies are drenched, Black powder is damp, bow strings stretch and the troops themselves are sodden and miserable:  All shooting attacks are at -1 to hit. All units suffer -1 moral due to the extreme conditions

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The campaign sounds great!  The only comment (I hope helpful) I have is that your weather rules will favor melee-focused armies.  A few ways you could handle this to make it more equal for armies which rely upon or which include lots of ranged attacks:

1.  Make a roll first to determine whether the weather chart should be used - maybe even roll once/turn to see if the weather has shifted and then see what the effect for that turn is.

2.  Add ranges to the shooting penalty for each weather effect (you do have one in there for 18".2" is at -1 to hit).

3.  Add more movement penalties for some effects - i.e. Torrential Rain should likely have -1 movement or something due to mud/slippery conditions.

Also - by -1 morale - I am assuming this is for Bravery and Battleshock tests?

Look forward to seeing the campaign progress!

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Yes the -1 Morale is for Bravery and Battleshock tests. 

I do also worry about the favoring of Melee.. but the penalty's for shooting will should be minimized to the end of the game. As it has to be turn 3 before a flat pen hits shooting. Whereas the 2nd turn you could face deadly terrain, or a charge pen, which will hurt the melee armies. 

Edit: But yes I see you point in re-reading it.. I need to be clear that you roll starting turn 2. (So round one is always Light Drizzle) [Thematically armies start battle then hopeing it doesn't get worse for them.   I also think the -2 movement should be made to runs as well. 

additionally, I think I should expand the section a bit and talk about terrain types. As I envision more  lakes and rivers so less stuff that blocks line of sight, which helps bring in the balance back to shooting. 

Edited by Uveron
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