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About this blog

Painting and Gaming in the Mortal Realms. In this blog you'll find painted miniatures, fluff and rules (mainly for Skirmish and RPG style games). I am trying to make all 3 as professional looking as possible because I would love to eventually work for Games Workshop's design team. :D

Entries in this blog

Age of Sigmar Triumvirates

Introduction One of the things I really like about the latest Warhammer 40,000 releases for 'The Gathering Storm' is the idea of a Triumvirate. This was a word I had not heard before and as well as sounding very cool I also liked the meaning behind it: I have also recently been thinking about backstory writing for my Age of Sigmar mixed Order army, and as I recently finished my third centre-piece model for the army (A Freeguild General on Griffon), it seemed the perfect chance to add



Painting Showcase - Hurricanum - Knights - Heroes

The last few weeks have been absolutely manic hobby-wise preparing for the Age of Santa event in Cardiff. As my second Age of Sigmar tournament loomed closer and closer I started to worry I had bitten off more than I could chew in terms of the amount of new models I wanted to bring. As it came to the final week, I even considered taking some models half finished - but no. I wanted to win 'Best Painted' deep down and so persevered. A couple of late nights and painting at my office desk each morni



Painting Showcase - Wizards - Priests - Acolytes

I love collecting and painting heroes for Age of Sigmar and have amassed many more heroes than one would ever reasonably need for army selection. Recently I have been painting Age of Sigmar heroes with magical abilities. Be it Wizards, Mages, Priests or other spellcasters. I thought it would be fun to share my latest additions and also the rest of my collection. The Alchemist and the Acolyte I am currently working on a Hurricanum for the 'Age of Santa' tournament in December. Whil



Hinterlands: Skirmish Campaigns in the Mortal Realms

Greetings everyone, I have something to share with you all today which is very special to me as I have put a lot of work into this. I present my gaming supplement for Age of Sigmar titled: Hinterlands: Skirmish Campaigns in the Mortal Realms - Version 1 Here are some screenshots of what to expect:   This is a supplement to play narrative skirmish games in Age of Sigmar, and I've tried to make it look like the real deal.  Enclosed you will find not one, but two campa



Blog Introduction

Welcome to the Hinterlands. In this blog you'll find painted miniatures, fluff, rules and more, all for Age of Sigmar!  Some of you may have followed my previous blog over on Dakkadakka ("Siegfried's Desperados" - link), this is my attempt to start a new blog that is on both TGA and Dakkadakka simultaneously. It is also my attempt to make my best blog to date! It's going to revolve around big monthly updates, so it will hopefully be something to look forward to (like a White Dwarf, but



Order vs Death

In a sleepy Freeguild town deep in the Hinterlands of Gestran Doth did our heroes first battle against the Deathrattle hordes that plagued these lands...   - bottle



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