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About this blog

A hobby blog to record the progress of my work with a friends army. And terrain. And some of my own models. And maybe some battle commentaries. 

Entries in this blog

Work is progressing as planned! ...almost.

The first delivery of models arrived and everything is now built and some of it primed. 32 Dryads, 3 Kurnoth Hunters, 1 Branchwych and 1 Treeman Ancient.  The dryads was fairly easy to assemble and the last 4 went from sprue to base in 23 minutes. I timed it. The Treeman was a lot of fun to build and it was nice to just build it according to the instructions. The biggest hassle have been the Kurnoths. Magnetizing options for scythes and bows meant a lot of drilling and a lot of magnets. If any



The trees are coming to life!

First  batch of models have arrived and it's a bit of an easy start. One box of dryads and one of Kurnoth hunters. Started assembling the dryads last night and got one unit completed. It's quite a change to put these together from my own Stormcast that I've been working on before this project! From big chunky armoured dudes to thin, spiky, tree bits.   So imagine 6 more of these units in slightly different executions and that's all the dryads. I'm holding of on making the Kurnoths for



Update on terrain

No new models yet but the latest news is that they will arrive next teusday so I have been cracking on with all the Wyldwoods for the Sylvaneth. Here are some WIP pictures. The first step was to glue down a couple of bits of bark and tiny cork gravel to the forest bases. Then a layer of grey hobby paint and a drybrush of lighte gray. i wonder if my friend will ever field all 13 woods in one game....  



A sticky beginning.

A friend of mine have been thinking about jumping back into the hobby for a while and after a nice three-way battle last weekend he was more ready then ever! The problem was he had no wish to build or paint the stuff himself but when I offered him my humble services he accepted and took the plunge. After much discussion and analyzing he decided he wanted to play Sylvaneth over Flesh Eater Courts. The initial order was for one Start Collecting box, one box of Kurnoth Hunters and the battleto



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