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About this blog

The general's Handbook is on the way and to celebreate I am taking a break from my large Death army for a humble begginning with the Free Peoples. Follow along for painting progress and game journals as we all try and figure out this new(er) frontier for Age of Sigmar!cropped-2-Pics.png

Entries in this blog

Start Collecting Boxes Contents and Review

Hi all! I wrote a Getting Started in the Age of Sigmar page a while ago and recieved some very positive feedback. In an effort to keep lowering that barrier to entry and help new guys out, I've written an overview and review of each and every Start Collecting box.  If you have opinions about teh boxes, hop on the blog and leave a comment. I'll update teh page right away! My site is ad free, I do this just because I love the community and want it t grow Thank you all for your support and happy wa



Starting Point

So to kick off the new army I made a quick trade with a buddy looking to clear out some old Empire stuff. He played 8th ed. but just couldnt get into AoS so I was happy to trade him some other game items for this. Here's a pic and then I'll walk through what your looking at: 1 General on foot with hammer and pistol 20 Handgunners 20 Greatswords 30 Freeguild Guard I feel that it's a pretty darn good start since the handgunners and guard are Battleline units and the G



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