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About this blog

New to all this blogging(??) this is my flesh eaters army based around Averland beloved mad count Marius Leitdorf 

Entries in this blog

First couple of horrors

My first two crypt horrors roughly done, need some more green stuff to tidy up also looking at doing green stuff chain mail to make them look more knightly and bearing relics and icons of their realm.



Painting of my first converted ghouls

Ok so my slow progress on my flesh eaters is still going got some paint on my converted ghouls gone with the avaland yellow and black colour pallet really like it just need to high light the black and do the bases now. 



First set of ghouls

This is my first 10 ghouls, I'm going for a 50/50 mix for each unit of these. The conversions use the lower part of forge world manann swords have some green stuff to finish them off and do bases before ready to paint. As you can see I have painted the original ghouls already to get my skin paint scheme Down  anyways time to crack on with more C&C always welcome Adam 



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