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hobogoblins, lammasu and chaos dwarf wizard

i plan on painting (or re painting in the regard of the crew). the robes, capes and trousers will be painted a picture of colours. Armour will be weather bronze and the skin will be a yellow/grey with red noses and ears (I've tried the old yellow look and cant make it blend in to well). All these guys will be heavy washed and weathered. so i managed to get one normal cut throats half done before i had to leave. These two skull cracker crew are almost there, just need some more highligh



a choo choo pain with hobo crew

Any good chaos dwarf force should consist of 30%dwarf and 70%other stuff (yay for fluff) for those who dont know, hobgoblins are basically yellow skinned human sized Asian organised goblins. For mine im using different lord of the rings figures and gnoblar heads. i have two finished who will be crewing my skull cracker along with an dawi engineer.   They have been half painted, so apologies for lack of detail and weathering   i als



Shart'or ... with hat

i was lucky enough to attend warhammer fest... and got ,y hands on the big cow man   Huge aint he??? for his hat i used the hat of the tauruk, with the addition of the cloth banding and a few more horns i was on track. His derpy cow hands didnt fit my theme so i kitted him out with some leather mittons.   So far i have his base painted, nice of forge world to give us a nice resin base....   Also attached is a custom warscroll for a spec



first of many

hello guys and gals welcome to my bloggy blogy of chaos dwarf fun. Note how i say chaos dwarfs and not leagion of azgorh, these guys are back to there roots. Lets hear it for big hats..   i base a lot of my style of this art work mainly the turban style hat and classic chaos dwarf look.   The first big thing i did for this army is a taur'uk Lots of sculpting later he is still sat in my box, half painted... any hoo... not wanting to go w



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