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My latest army, the Bloodscorched Bulltribe

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Bulltribe Battle Reports

Ok so i promised some battle reports from the tribe, so here is the first.   Played vs TK last night, teh game was from the generals handbook, using teh metor strike scenario (number 6) He had (from memory) Settra 3 Chariots 6 Snake Knights Necrosphinx 10 Tomb Guard 2x10 Tomb Skeletons Lich Priest 2 x Catapult Turn 1, He elected that I went first.  I jostled my forces around, planting the banner, shielding my Doombull, and making it so

Paul Buckler

Paul Buckler

The Tribe Assembles

This is a project I have been considering for a while now, Minotaurs.  Or to be correct using the AOS name Bullgors.  I used a Nurgle themed list at the start of AOS and took it to SCGT,  it was very good at absorbing hits but had not really heavy hitters of it's own.  I added a unit of Bullgors with great weapons to try to help out in this and they worked great.  So I was toying with the idea of a Bullgor army for a while.  Then when the Godbeasts book arrived a formation appeared, The Bloodsco

Paul Buckler

Paul Buckler

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