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About this blog

 Hi, commrades!

  From the north-west wastelands of Russia I came to tell you the story of my undead Black Knights of Dread Solstice. The truth is, that in our country we really know how does dark fantasy works in real life without reading a books about it (:D), so I was really inspired by the lore of Warhammer and trully creepy arts by John Blanche dacades ago. And I was really enjoyed not by game itself but of the fact that i could do with my miniatures anything i want. From that point, the kitbashing and little conversions become my favorite part of hobby. So, I was very happy to find this community year ago.

 For some time i was just spectator, trying to find the idea and, finally, i did this after a big campaign of Malign Portents. The key idea to convert dark gothic heraldry and symbology of an Old Empire to real characters formed in miniatures of the undead by simple kitbashing. And here is the point in wich the path of Black Knights of Dread Solstice begins...

 I hope You'll like this blog.  I'll try to make nice updates about creating my miniatures, painting them, and gaming wich we make here in our russian community.

 Please dont be mad about my grammatics, cz I still learning English;)

Entries in this blog

When you write sepulchural as sepultural. Roots, bloody roots!

Hi, people.  Here is some progress on my Warband of Dread Solstice. As you can see I've added another five black knights and black Kurfurst. And something much bigger will come after. A little background on my Warband:  The great Empire of the world that was provided to Sigmar many souls of great heroes for his Stormcast's army. But there were not only heroes. Many of that great warriors lost their faith in last days of the old world. Some of them were trying to find salvation in



The sepultural silence...

And so it begins here. In Giran. Because where is light there must be dark. And where is Life there must be Death.  Here comes the first five Black Knights. Further I'll post some back ground about each of them, and many will come after. Nagash spoke his words and the dead obey. You can see some gaps. I'll remove them before basing. Btw, I dont have instagram about it, do You think it will be good idea to make post there too?



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