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A blog detailing custom rules I create for new rules, allegiances and more!

Entries in this blog

Magic Lores - Elemental Magic

Hi all, Something I felt was really lacking in the Generals Handbook allegiances is a lack of spell lores or prayer lores. I think this is a really important part of making spellcasters interesting in the current state of Age of Sigmar. Some casters just don't have interesting spells on their profiles, or ones that are so niche that they basically only count as having Mystic Shield and Arcane Bolt. I think that's an issue, because for some factions (Such as the Darkling Covens), casting is



Custom Rules Corner and Mysterious Landscapes

Hi guys, 3 months into the year, and kinda failing at my attempts to make more blog posts. So I've decided to perhaps, focus my efforts on a new blog. I'm kinda passionate about a lot of the older races, and what can be done to make them more playable in the Age of Sigmar. Games Workshop gives plenty of love of course for those armies that have battletomes and the like, but there's a lot of armies out there that don't get that attention. So that's where I come in! I dabble a bit i



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