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About this blog

This blog will follow my forces of chaos and their journey through the mortal realms. I will post work in progress images of my miniatures, battle reports and the overall development of my force as it grows.

Entries in this blog

Seeking aid from the silver tower

Since my last entry, my chaos army came to a standstill for several weeks due to exams. Now that I've finished my exams I have been able to get my hands on a Silver Tower box and I love the overall look of all the models. My main aim is to use the Tzeentch models to represent the Tzeentchian part of my force. So far I have been painting the cultists and the horrors, in addition to working on my remaining Blightkings, Bloab and Varanguard. Here's some work in progress shots of these models, most



First battle against the Orruks

As mentioned in my last post I played my first game of Age of Sigmar using the SCGT points system. We decided to also use one of the missions from their tournament pack called Battle for the Allpoints which had four realmgates set out on the board (one of which would collapse on turn 3) and the winner was whoever controlled the most at the end of the game. This was the overall setup for both our forces. His army consisted of a shaman on arachnarok spider, 10 ardboyz, an orc shaman, 6 f



Putrid Blightkings

After finishing Archaon I wanted to start with the Nurgle section of my force mainly because the putrid blightking models have always interested me and now gave me a reason to by and paint some. Here is the progress of my 10 man strong unit so far. I have only finished 3 so far because I wanted to sample the scheme before using it on all of them. I am happy with this overall scheme because I didn't want to have the obvious green armour and so chose to have a more bronze armour, glazed green to i



Ammassing the forces of chaos

When Age of Sigmar was first released I was excited by the new models, specifically the Khorne Bloodbound and wanted to try out this new game. After playing several games with the starter set and the additional Khorne miniatures I found that no one else wanted to play Age of Sigmar specifically because at that stage the only additions were either for the Stormcast or Bloodbound and many didn't want to use their 8th edition fantasy armies. Several  months later when the new Archaon the Everc



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