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About this blog

Have you ever flipped frantically through your book to find that one ability you gave your hero?

Do you think that the warscroll cards for the battletomes are pretty handy, but don't go far enough?

Did you ever wonder where those battle magic cards from WHFB went?

Do you think the X-Wing upgrade cards next to your ship cards are the best tracking system for a game are the best thing since AoS?


Well, I got some solutions for you, that you might enjoy.

Entries in this blog

Seraphon Battletome Update

A few months late, but better than never I hope Very sorry to everyone waiting for it and everyone that messaged me, but never got an answer.    



Ogors and Ossiarchs

The two latest releases for the Battletomes are here. I couldn't find a high resolution of the cover art, normally GW or the artist itself uploads it somewhere. Not this time, though I'll keep looking and will update once I'm able to find them, so it can match the Battletome cover 1:1 And as a note: I restructured the Hungy/Not hungry Battle Trait of the Mawtribes. Now it immediately tells you what condition 1 is and what bonus you get for this, then the same for condition 2 (ins



Orruks and CoS

Uploaded the cards for the two newest Battletomes. Errata already included.   Have fun!    



Core Set reworked

I also took the time to review the cards in the Core Set. It now contains the common Command Abilities (Core & Matched Play), Common Spells, Triumphs (Core & Matched Play), Scenery (Core & Matched Play), extra Command Point, and a table for rolling a Realm of Battle . I removed a lot of cards of Open and Narrative Play (they will return in other sets eventually). I think this will make it a lot more attractive for the player base.    



Hedonites of Slaanesh

Slaanesh was done already but I was hoping I could find a good version of the cover artwork. I couldn't. So this is a temporary cover until it pops up somewhere.    



Fyreslayers v2

Cards for the updated Battletome are here. If you're waiting for Slaanesh, they should be up in the next few days.    



Battletome Skaven

Skaven are done.   And I realized that I forgot to put up a Blog uzpdate for the Gloomspite Gitz, so I'll link them too.   If you're waiting for Flesh-Eater Courts, a workable version will follow today. A minor update for them follows as soon as I get hold of a high res picture of the battletome cover artwork. And of course, updates in a few weeks when the release errata drop.



Big FAQ 2018/2 Update

Well, not so big FAQ. Regardless, I update the handfull of cards that were affected.   If you already printed them, best either reprint the specific sheet or the single card from the "Print" file (e.g. duplex print: 1, 5 [Cover, specific card page number]) Updated cards: - Ironjawz: 2018-12-18: Big FAQ 2018/2: "Mighty Destroyers" - Ghyran: 2018-12-18: Big FAQ 2018/2: "Spell: Mirrorpool" - Ulgu: 2018-12-18: Big FAQ 2018/2: "Realmscape Features: Shadow Realms" - Artefacts



Narrative Play: Special Rules

So... I don't know how, but somehow it slipped my mind that the GHB 2018 contained more stuff I wanted to do in card form than just the allegiance abilities. I needed someone from here to PM me if I could do something like the cards in the Warlord Edition. My first thought was... "I already included everything in the Core Set, didn't I?" I didn't. So here's part 1 for the GHB:   I'm trying something new with the boxes, they are now one piece, tuck boxes and fit on a single



Summoning Point Dials

I wasn't happy with the Summoning cards I made for Nurgle initially, but was lacking any inspiration. With AoS 2.0 and the flood rewroked Summoning abilities, I made cards, because getting the abilities updated was time consuming enough. As I'm reworking the old cards into the new layout (see Realms of Battle, Core Set and Artefacts of the Realms as of right now), and the old cards are still up to date, I can take some time.   So here's the first mockup for the general style



Realms of Battle cards

So I finally finished up the remaining cards: the Realms of Battle. These card packs include the rules from the Core Book and the additional spells from Malign Sorcery. So you never have to flip through 2 books again while playing.   Oh, and these are the first cards with the new and improved layout! I hope you like them.   Have fun.    



AoS 2.0 layout draft

As AoS 2.0 had a change of art direction, I was thinking about how I could change up the layout and design of the cards to better fit into this new age. I think the card backsides with the battletome covers are fine, so I left that alone. I took some elements from the Core Book and took inspiration from the 40k datacards. So here is the first draft: Before:   After: Thoughts?



AoS 2.0 updates

Updated all cards (Battletomes for Nighthaunt and SCE will follow soon) according to the Core Book, General's Handbook 2018 and Errata Have fun! http://www.tga.community/profile/2981-hanskrampf/content/?type=downloads_file



Version 3 for Allegiance Cards - all updated

I updated all cards to the new format, fixed errors, changed rule texts according to the latest errata... I hope you enjoy it. http://www.tga.community/profile/2981-hanskrampf/content/?type=downloads_file   Up next: Daughters of Khaine!



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