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About this blog

This Blog will focus on an escalation league I am running for my gaming club. I will try and cover how the league is going as a whole, but It will focus on my own story as I ready my army, fight battles and develop as a AOS Player.  

Entries in this blog

Month 1: Recap.

Overall:  So the first month of the league is over, all but 4 of the games have been played. (72% Completion Rate). Two players have max points; only one player who’s played hasn’t won a game!  Currently Chaos is leading the event, and the rest of the factions are about equal.  I cannot be happier with the uptick in Age of Sigmar play in the group.    Personally: I got to play a pair of games. The first was against an order list based around the old high elf army. It was the player



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: 1250pt List

Greetings, Today I shall focus my attention on the final list I want to have available to me my 1250pt list. Again like my 1000pt list it’s not exactly what I want but it is the models I have painted at the moment.  And I do not play with unpainted models!   == Leaders Aspiring Deathbringer – General: Command Traits: Great Destroyer - (Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer) Bloodsecrator Daemon Prince - Deamonic Axe, Wings. Artefacts: Daemon Weapon. Bloodmaster, Hera



Scoring the League!

Greetings.  So I wanted some feedback on how I am scoring the games of the league.  These are my objectives:    Reward players to play with painted armies  Reward players to play as many games as they can Do not punish players who cannot play all games To deal with this mixed bag of objectives, I established two paths to victory.  And I will be giving awards for the player who scores the most points, and the player who scores the best average point.  At



Time of War: Ghur: ' Shrouded Fens’: Terrain

Greetings,   I thought I would take a moment to talk about battlefield terrain. A key part of the Dark Shadows campaign pack was a page that described the battlefields of the Fens of Albion.  I thought that I should try and recreate the table for the campaign. A number of these items will require me to spend time working on building Terrain for the tables.   == The Battle Fields of the: ' Shrouded Fens’.   When setting up the Terrain for a game of age of sigmar



It’s the Hobby Photo Dump Post!

Greetings!    So this week I was able to get up my local game store and get some games in. (Sadly not league games) but I gave me an opportunity to take some photos  Due to the large number I took I have hid them behind Spoilers to make it manageable.  Aspiring Deathbringer! Chaos Hounds!  Chaos Marauders!!  Blood Warriors (pre-Snowbase)!!    The Full Warband!!    Temple of Skulls!!           



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: 1000pt List

Greetings, So today I want to talk about army lists once again. This time my 1000pt list for the league. I am trying to get my 750/1000/1250pts list together at the same time so I can try and get these level games sorted as soon as I can.  My real life job has me working away from home a lot so when I get a chance to get to the table I want to be able to play games. As such this list is not exactly what I want but it is the models I have painted at the moment.     == Lea



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: 750pt List

Greetings! So today I decided that I should talk about my planned list for the 750pt level of the league. I will be using the Chaos Allegiance, as the Khorne one provides little benifit in smaller games (less blood tithe points available)  == Leaders Aspiring Deathbringer – General: Command Traits: Great Destroyer - (Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer) Bloodsecrator Daemon Prince - Deamonic Axe, Wings. Artefacts: Daemon Weapon. Units 40 x Chaos Marauders – Axes and



Organizing the League: Adding Additional Players

I discussed how I organized my initial parings of the league on a few posts ago. Well yesterday I was contacted by another member of my gaming club who wanted to join the league, he had wanted to talk to me about it last week but had a family emergency that had taken priority.  So I sat down and tried to work out a way to place a 13th player into my league. The current system had 12 players playing 11 games and playing everyone.  With 13 players this math’s doesn’t work as well. After



Cohort of Blooded Brass: Daemon Prince Krythvæhlt.

Deep in the city of Spiteforge the Deamon Prince Krythvæhlt resides. It was by his blade that the kingdom fell, and in the bloody revolution that followed he gained his ascension.  Over the century's his fortunes have waxed and waned. Once a rival champion of the gods took control of the city though guile and treachery. Krythvæhlt was imprisoned, chained a deep vault. after years of imprisonment his boiling rage gave him strength to break the chains and have his revenge. To the day the he



More Free City's!

Greetings! A few days ago I posted about my poking around on the Free City Generator from The Warhammer Community site. As I said I love random tables and shortly after I finished working on Spiteforge I decided I should build a free city for the order players to have as a home base, and a target for the forces of chaos to assault. But then inspiration hit me, one of my players pointed out that he didn’t like the fact that the team scores were based on the grand alliances. We currently



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: Thoughts on Chaos Marauders.

As described in previous posts that when I started collecting my blades of Khorne army I raided my bits box’s and found parts to build a regiment of 40 Marauders. I have been using them in practice games in the run up to the league and I have decided that they are a hidden gem for Khornate players.    The following is my rational for them: They are the cheapest massive regiment available as a battleline choice. When supported with a Bloodsecrator they have 1 less attack th



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: The Spiteforge raiders.

Greetings, So with my last post I built the idea of the city of Spiresforge I thought I would share some photos of my Chaos Marauders, henceforth known as the Spiteforge Raiders. I built these guys from a mix of marauders both on foot horse. Catachens, and empire flagellants. One of my favorite little conversions I did was use the grenade arm from the carachen set as a arm holding up a shield in an aggressive way. One of the chaps on the front rank is holding his shield up as he t



Free City Generator: Spiteforge

Greetings! So today I have been poking around on the Free City Generator from the The Warhammer Community  site. (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/make-your-own-free-city-the-easy-way-sep26gw-homepage-post-4/) I love random tables, (I guess it’s why I am a chaos player!). So I sat down and started rolling some dice to build a Free Cities of my own. Now I decided that this would help me develop the ideas for the fallen capital of the shrouded fens, and the home of the Coho



The Cohort of Bloodied Brass: An Introduction

== In the age of Myth within the realm of Ghur, the vast kingdom  once stood. Mighty Lords protected the land from the monsters of the realm and with these heroics they kept peace. With powerful spells, arc-magi tamed the very sky’s, making a land of eternal spring free from storms. Sprawling farms and crowded towns of artisans produced goods and wealth. Many legendry heroe made this Kingdom their home.  To prove their power, great tournaments were regularly held; slowly this marital p



Time of War: Ghur: ' Shrouded Fens'

As I mentioned in the introduction post the league will have a strong narrative element. I plan to be provide my players a number of tools they can use to add this to the games. None of these ideas are going to be mandatory, due to the difference in experience of the players in the league. The first of these ideas is a custom time of war for the campaign. The idea for the Shrouded Fens came from the descriptions of Albion from the dark shadows summer campaign of 2001. This campaign was ran



Organizing the League.

The initial plan for the league was that it would be divided up into 6 rounds. Each round lasts a month, and has its own point’s value. At the start of each month parings would be decided and you play one game. Quite the traditional set up. But then I started having issues pop up:  A number of players let me know that they would have months they couldn’t play.  A number of players wanted to play more than one game per month. Some players had little to no experience playi




Within the Relm of Ghur, the land of untamed savagery there is area known as the Shrouded Fens. A vast land of Fens, forested swamps, peaty bogs, grassy Marshes. This whole area is nearly continuously covered in driving rains, dense fogs and Gales. But deep in these wild lands stories are told about relics of the world that was, cities of gold and forgotten knowledge.  Since the start of the Age of Chaos, servants of the dark powers have been clashing with the Orruks, of the Ironjawzs for contro



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