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About this blog

Here's my blog for my Chaos Army. I was a Warriors of Chaos player since a saw for the first time the Chaos knights miniatures in Battlemaster's box.
I now run even Disciple of Tzeentch alongside mi Slave to Darkness model. 

Here I will post my works, hope you like it. My goal in paint minis is to have a nice model that could be easily identified on the battlefiel, i'm not a pro painter and it's not my intent 'cause i have too many minis to paint and not so much time.

Comments and critics are always welcome.

Entries in this blog

My Ulgu Slaves so far

In this mad mad year I started my long awaited project: Slaves to Darkness. Chaos warriors are the reason why i joined the world of warhammer and wargaming, so it's a great pleasure for me to share this pictures. Some kit is still missing, but is my shame pile (the unpainted models)



My favourite

Hi pals, here's my first entry for this blog. For this "event" I want to show you one my favourite model: SLAMBO.  He embody all I love about Chaos Warriors. Hope you may like it.   I kept a simple colour scheme, for this and all other chaos model of my army. Armours are deep black with no decorations, and the second color is an oxidized brass used only in some detail.



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