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About this blog

This blog marks the first anniversary of returning to Warhammer after a five year break. I started playing WFB 2nd edition, but the games in the Age of Sigmar in the last year have been some of the most fun games I can remember in this hobby and I cannot wait to see what another year brings.

Entries in this blog

Going all Blue Peter

On Wednesday we had our first Skirmish campaign at work, which was great fun to get several small games in the same evening for a change. Terrain seemed important so i looked around and put together this quick project that I did over three evenings - mainly to allow for drying between each stage. The work each evening was quite small. Stage One Looking around I finished off a bottle of sparkling water and that seemed the perfect base for a kiln/chimney for a small workshop buildin




My Beasts of Chaos army once was comprised of Beast Herds, Shaggoths and Chaos Ogres... but when the 7th Edition army book came out it removed those units from the army and so project warpig was started. I had a bunch of spare boar heads in my bits box at the time as the tuskgor chariots always came with alternate heads. These pigs needed a leader and aside from the shield, i also built my first full greenstuff model for the doompig. Unfortunately i never ran them much so never finished the



Old and New

Slowly but surely the switch from square to round bases continues. One of my favourite models still in the GW range is the Shaggoth, this metal version is probably heavier than my entire Kharadron force will be when complete. The harpy is a daemonette and tyranid gargoyle conversion. As for the Kharadrons, i've been playing with colour and basing options and i've got to a point where i think i'm happy to start painting the rest of the force



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