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This blog will catalogue my experiences as a new AoS player with a Slow Grow League at my FLGS with my chosen army Disciples of Tzeentch.


Entries in this blog

Slow Grow week 2 pt 1

Hi all, here is the first battle report from the second 760 point week of our Slow Grow league at Kirton Games (https://www.facebook.com/kirtongames/?ref=ts&fref=ts). I haven't added anything to my army from the previous week, despite my low model count, so I wasn't expecting great things. Please see the previous blog entry for my list.    Battle 1 Khorne ( bloodhound I think) opponent had 30 blood letters and a big unit of the Khorne marauder guys, as well as a half naked guy with

Ugly Green Trog

Ugly Green Trog

Slow Grow week 1

So had my first two battles at 760 points last night against Stormcast and Skaven as part of the http://www.kirtongames.com/ AoS starter slow grow league. My list for the games was the following:  Allegiance: TzeentchLeadersHerald Of Tzeentch On Burning Chariot(200)- General- Staff of Change- Trait: Nexus of Fate - Tzeentch Daemon Hero- Artefact: Aspect of Tzeentch  - Lore of Change: Bolt of TzeentchBattleline10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (140)- Lore of Change: Unchecked Mutation1 x Burning

Ugly Green Trog

Ugly Green Trog

Pink Horrors

Evening, just a small progress update for tonight on my next unit the pink horrors. I started with a Vallejo grey primer followed by a base of GW Pink Horror all over. I then sprayed GW Emperors Children down from directly on top through to a 35 degree angle. I then gave all the skin a Fulgrim Pink dry brush before finishing the skin with a 1:1 wash of GW Baal Red (now carroburg crimson) and Lahmian Medium. They should see battle during week one of the Kirton Games Slow Grow event to take place

Ugly Green Trog

Ugly Green Trog

Scream(er) if you want to go faster.

Just a small update on my first bit of painting progress. The screamers were a nice simple model to assemble with only four pieces but the kit has enough options to really vary the different daemons you get in it. I initially went for a marine predator feel with subtle shades of blue but they looked rather bland so I've blended (well attempted to) the dorsal fins and spines with purples to add more Tzeentch vibrancy.  The blending still needs a bit more work and I think I'll have to do

Ugly Green Trog

Ugly Green Trog

The Path to Change

So my FLGS is embarking on an AoS slow grow league to get a player base established in the area. I have decided to play Disciples of Tzeentch, as I've long been an admirer of the changer of ways. I will be keeping my progress and results updated here as the league progresses, mainly as a way to document my experience and keep me motivated.    The league itself will be starting at 760 points with a requirement of 1 battleline unit to begin with. I am playing daemons of Tzeentch, other a

Ugly Green Trog

Ugly Green Trog

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