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About this blog

This blog is mainly a chronicle of a narrative, and persistent hero leveling system I am trying out with a friend. It will also include general painting and hobby updates, and if I get ambitious some legitimate battle reports.


Entries in this blog

Pass of Hidden Hands (Edit)

This is the same story posted earlier but I can not seem to edit mistakes I caught on subsequent proof readings. So here is an edited version with some grammer and readability improvements.   Alarik stepped out of the realmgate onto the soil of Ulgu, his retinue close in step. Having so recently been among the purifying light of Sigmar's kingdom, the sudden and complete blackness of Ulgu blinded him. His eyes desperately grasping for light as they struggled to adjust. After a few



Pass of Hidden Hands

Here is the latest entry leading up to our first game.   The Pass of Hidden Hands Alarik stepped out of the realmgate onto the soil of Ulgu, his retinue close in step. Having so recently been among the purifying light of Sigmar's kingdom, the sudden and complete blackness of Ulgu blinded him. His eyes desperately grasping for light as they struggled to adjust. After a few moments he could make out some blurry shapes within the small halo of ghostly violet light emitted by the



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