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About this blog

I came here for the free beer and ended up drinking blood and praising Khorne. I don't know what happened (or who Khorne is), but the people here are really friendly!

Entries in this blog

Believe it or not....Progress!!!

So after a slight delay due to life, we'r back, a Khorgaroth has been almost completed, a squad of Knights are being finalized and a Blood Warrior is making progress. As well as a health amount of undead robots.   The Khorgaroth has been lots of fun, so many different effects and textures, I've grown massively as a painter from working on him (i see this in my later works).  I've used my mobile for these shots, so they're not great. as always and C and Cs would be greatly appreciated

Accidental Cultist

Accidental Cultist

The Reason I'm at this Party

As i mentioned in the first post, what really drew me into AOS was seeing the big bad dinosaurs of the Seraphon. They are fantastic models and i can't help but be drawn into them. So when i decided to start into AOS the core starter and Seraphon was a no brainer for me. As it stands right now i have the below list: 10 Warriors 15 Knights 1 Priest 1 Starpriest 1 Carnosaur 1 Stegadon 1 Scar vet on Cold one   I am also looking to see if I can kitbash out

Accidental Cultist

Accidental Cultist

Khorne Bloodbound - As Yet Unnamed Horde

I still need to name this Horde, but it still need to decide the direction its going. Until then the list only consists of the Khorne half of the starter set and the Slughter Priest from White Dwarf. I have painted 2 of the bloodreavers, not completely finished but enough for the moment. There's still a little bit of clean up and highlighting still to do. but here are the first photos .

Accidental Cultist

Accidental Cultist

There's Always a Beginning

Greetings All,   As the title says, I am the Accidental Cultist, so a brief history before the real posting starts. Growing up I always saw the local Games Workshop and was interested in the models, but never got involved. I was always aware of the game, but not of the hobby or lore. In October 2015, I started playing the Warhammer 40,000 Conquest LCG by Fantasy Flight Games (amazing game and i still play even though its been discontinued). This started getting me really interested in

Accidental Cultist

Accidental Cultist

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