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A record of all things hobby in my life.  

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So like virtually everyone else I've been working on Nurgle. First up was a couple of trees, yeah I'll need a bunch more, but it was a starter for 10 to get me going, I don't want to overbuy on them. Following on from that I started with adding Rotigus to my existing Nurgle stuff.  This model is a joy to paint.  You can do it with a basecoate & wash and it will look pretty decent, you can then spend as much time as you want pushing the shadows & highlights further and get all t

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

Building to Heat 2

So the only tournament I'm currently signed up to for 2018 is GW Heat 2 which is mid April.  I've got a few armies I could choose between to take: Sylvaneth - Dreadwood, painted it at the end of last year but still not played a game with it. Blades of Khorne - I've got a reasonably chunky khorne army, I enjoy playing them but it's mostly an infantry horde so not the most interesting visual spectacle. Maggotkin - Triple GUO would be the list I'd like to play but currently I use a n

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

Maggotkin book

So I posted up my intentions for 2018 and you know what wasn't in there despite having seen the preview pics, Nurgle, but you know what is now in my to do list... Nurgle. That said it's not an awful lot that I need to add to my army, currently I own the following nurgle stuff all painted up: 1 Exalted Great Unclean One (FW model) 1 Great Unclean One (Alternative Plague Daemon nurle from Mierce) 1 Herald of Nurgle 30 Plaguebearers 3 Nurglings 6 Plague Drones

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

2018 Hobby Resolutions

I’ve included a pretty significant pre-ramble setting out how I’ve come to my goals as much as anything I needed to run through this process to get everything square in my mind.   Gaming: 2017 saw a bit of a change of mentality in my gaming.  AOS: I started off the year with my usual focus on attending events and running competitive armies (TK at Firestorm Fours, Order Gunline at Heat 2) with an eye to prep for the 6 Nations in June.  Then due to ‘real life’ TM it all w

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

So that fell off a cliff...

Ok so Blog updates stopped.  In part this was due to the faff of my picture host - photobucket ****** the pooch and removing all external linking and partly extreme laziness on my part. That extreme laziness did not extend to painting models however but first lets restate the years objectives: No not aim to paint 1/day, instead I’m going to try and paint some individual models to a higher standard, probably targeting something like 26 good quality models. (1/fortnight).  That’s no

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

14 march

Been a little lazy with updates. Still been churning away at stuff.  A few death models so I have the full (now repointed) TK lists as GW models so I could run it at heat 2.    After that hat I have gone back to chaos and added a few characters and then started work on a bloodbound contingent. Only 500pts so far but will grow it out. 

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

8 Feb 2017

FLGS running a slow grow and was planning on running death for it and painted up these guys.    Now having a wobble though so might be switching to chaos. 

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

30 Jan 2017

I've an event coming up this weekend (firestorm 4s) so figured I best finish painting all the models in my list.  Its not a subtle list, take russ veal & Dan fords TKs from the masters and mash the two together! But that meant I needed to paint up Izzie VC, so I have done!  

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

23 Jan 2017 Sunday morning painter

I fancied painting something different from what I'd been doing recently so pulled a thundertusk out my 'to do' pile.    As as it happens I was watching  (well listening) to game 5 of the GE heat 1 and enjoying rob talk on the high skill required to use these finesse beasts as I painted it. 

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

11 Jan 2017

Continuing to paint more fluffy units to use with my TK.    Vampire lord on abyssal terror,  what 4x move on buffed necroserpents is fluffy...

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

07 Jan 2017

First models complete of 2017: 10 zombies to go in my TK list.    Basically i I copied a netlist (written by domus) and there were 40 points spare so I was able to upgrade 2 of his units of zombies to skellys to stay more on theme but the last unit had to stay zombies and I had none painted. 

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

2016 Review/2017 Resolution

2016 Final tally was 448 models: Infantry 331, MI 26, Cavalry 12, Epic bases/vehicles 36, Monsters 7, Vehicles 7, WMs 2, Chariots 1 and Terrain 12. Split by Game: AoS 209, 30k 67, Saga 40, Guildball 37, Epic 36, Bolt Action 25, Darklands 24, Warmachine 6, Relic Knights 3, Bloodbowl 1.   As can be seen I’ve flitted around between games a lot this year and now have full armies for multiple systems as a result.  Despite that I’ve not actually been playing all that many

Dave Fraser

Dave Fraser

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