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Skaven Mouse Trap Terrain

Foolishly, with only two hobby evenings to go until Blood and Glory, I've decided to make some new terrain! I bought an old copy of the Mouse Trap board game a while back, knowing I probably didn't have time to get it assembled and painted in time as well as finishing my army to a decent standard. I was right, but I'm going for it anyway.  Sorry for the rubbish photos. I'll take some better ones when I finish them tomorrow (fingers crossed!). 



Clan Moulder Progress

The last time I posted things were very different.  I'd started to paint some clanrats for my mostly Moulder list.  I was planning (as I'm traditionally a slow painter) to paint the army over a period of months.  I'd even written a month by month plan - of an unambitious 'one unit per month'.  Then, on a whim, I finally decided to bite the bullet and go to my first tournament.  I bought tickets to Blood and Glory!  My army painting time had been cut from seven months to less than two! It ha




I'm finally painting! I have my army list written and a monthly plan to stick to. I've initially got one eye on making my tournament debut at SCGT next year (I know, I'm a slow painter) but I've made a solid start in the past week, so I may well revise my painting plan. I think I'll create a separate blog post for each unit type and add to them as I go, or I might just end up throwing it all in here. We'll see.  Anyway, here's pics of my clanrats so far!



Warhammer Fest (Hobgoblin Club Road Trip Part Two)

After a day of Warhammer World (http://www.tga.community/blogs/blog/15-hobgoblinblog/) and drinks in Nottingham, we were up bright and early to make the hour drive to Coventry and Warhammer Fest!  Somehow, due to roadworks and wrong turns, that hour turned into three.  The question cards from Trivial Pursuit kept us occupied and we arrived around 11ish. Blood Bowl was the highlight of the Fest for me, so I'll start with that.  I had a good chat with James Hewitt, the writer, and I'm pleased



Warhammer World (Hobgoblin Club Road Trip Part One)

After many months of waiting, last weekend was the Hobgoblin Club Road Trip!  A wonderful time was had by all.  On Saturday we visited Warhammer World in Nottingham, and on Sunday we travelled to Warhammer Fest in Coventry (http://www.tga.community/blogs/entry/76-warhammer-fest-hobgoblin-club-road-trip-part-two/).  I've kept things brief, as it's only the pics you're interested in anyway.  Enjoy! So, we set off early on Saturday morning (8am I think, early for us!) and drove down to Notting



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