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I know, I know. It's really weird that a dude with the username "ElectricPaladin" has taken this long to start a Stormcast Eternals army... but the time has finally come.


Entries in this blog

On Wings of Lightning

Except for the headswap, I've decided to keep my prosecutor prime mostly stock, though I might yet add some feather tokens. This model is just so much busier than the liberator prime, or even the retributor prime, and I didn't want it to look crowded. Thoughts?



WIP it Good

Here's a couple of WIPs for absolutely no good reason. First, as you can see, I'm almost done with the paint on the liberator prime: And second, here's the finished kit-bash for a retributor prime:



Astral Templars Deploy

The plan is to eventually have a mixed Order army based around Astral Templars backed up by the remnants of my Seraphon army. I plan to use lots of Seraphon and Space Wolf bits to customize my Astral Templars, giving them the primal decorations that were described in the novels and audio dramas. Expect some attempts at freehand as well. Without further ado... Here's the paint scheme I'm going for:   And here's Duncan's video describing the way to get that purple. An



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