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A Fyreslayers Path to Glory project

Entries in this blog

FInished Runefather on Magmadroth

Hello guys, I have finally finished my Runefather. This was a real interesting thing to paint, and I admit I cut a few corners to get it done but I'm still super happy with the end result. The base I think came out particularly well. The icicles are made of melted flying stands, trimmed and hit with a gloss varnish. Finally, here is the entire painted army as it currently stands! Hope you enjoy:



More Progress on Runefather, army shot

Hi there guys, Update on the Runefather. The Runefather himself is almost done, and the base is finished. Still have a lot of work to do on the horns and spines, as well as some more highlighting on the black and lots of details. Definitely more than halfway there. I am super happy with the base. The driftwood turned out fantastic, only took a few drybrushes. I added the icicles on a whim but I think they look great! They are made from those GW flying stands, melted an



A start on the Runefather

Hello guys, I've made a start on my Magmadroth mounted runefather. I've put a lot of the basecoats down, and done a bit of work on the carapace. I did a lot of experiments and this is what I came up with, orange/bone scales and black skin. A tad unsure on it, but I'll stick with it and see how it turns out.  Working on the base for this one is exciting. A year or so I collected a bag of driftwood while at the seaside and I've been keen to make use of it, and found my first opportu



Finished Hearthguard

Finished up my Hearthguard!  I actually had a much quicker turnaround on these than I usually do, and am very pleased with how they turned out. I especially like how the skin turned out. I could have spent a lot more time on the silvers in hindsight, especially the axe blades, but I am happy with this quality for this army. What do you guys think?  



Progress on Heathguard

Hi there guys and gals, Made pretty good headway into my 5 Hearthguard Berserkers. I decided to go for the axes as they seem to put out more consistent damage at smaller unit sizes. My only challenge was deciding how to better define the Karl of the unit, as from the top down you don't really notice the thicker plume in comparison to the double plume of the Vulkite Karl. My solution was to paint the detailing of the axe in gold. Hopefully this will make him stand out when th



The Beginning

Hi there guys, This is the blog to track the progress on my new Fyreslayers army for a Path to Glory campaign I am taking part of. I will try to post updates on all my painting progress as well as finished model pics and any games I may play. The Hrongar Lodge Dwelling in the blizzard swept Infinite Spires of Hysh, the Hrongar Lodge weather vicious cold in their quest for Ur Gold in the mysterious Realm of Light. They carefully harvest crystalline marble to imbue their weapons wit



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