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The Changer of Ways has landed in his Silver Tower, usurping the draw of the Ironjawz, replacing the bloodlust of the greenskins with the lure of Chaos. Watch as the forces of Tzeentch do battle with interloping Heroes before taking to the field of battle, joined by those of similar evil intent, drawn by the clarion call of the Gaunt Summoner.

Entries in this blog

Patience Of The Silver Tower

Recently, my hobby time has been taken up with painting models for other people. While this has been great for my bank balance, it has sapped a little of the enthusiasm I had previously for painting my own models from the Warhammer Quest game. I have been stuck on painting the Tzaangors for about a week and a half now - they sit beside me as I write this, daring me to continue their progress. So too does the Fyreslayer, standing atop his pedestal, naked save for a coat of Barbarian Flesh spray,



The Army of Tzeentch Grows

Thanks to a set schedule each day for painting (commissioned project first, answer work emails, make calls, then onto WHQ) I now have models painted up for Warhammer Quest, but even better, a small playable force for AOS. Obviously I'll need to get more Pink Horrors but it looks like I'll have my first full AOS army painted within the next week or so. I'm pretty stoked for that, as I'm looking at really getting into the game on a more active level. By that I simply meant start to atten



Usurped By Tzeentch

The Silver Tower has landed, destroying the Gorefangz even before they could take to battle. Luckily I'd painted them all up before they were usurped and so selling them on was pretty straight forward. And why has this been done... To say I'm excited for this release is beyond words. An avid player of the original Heroquest/Advanced Heroquest, when Warhammer Quest was first released I played that game to death - usually my characters as that dungeon crawl was tough. But every



Orruks WIP

Having completed the first test model - see previous post WIP - I realised the red scheme was a little too gaudy for my liking. So I sat down and assembled the rest of the box and while doing so decided on a new paint scheme, one that would be quick to paint and allow me to go to town with highlghts once the basic tabletop standard was done. And here they are:  The scheme is nice and simple and will allow me to quickly paint new units once added. All the paints used are from the A



Alliance of Destruction + WIP

When I decided on seriously jumping back into AOS, I was torn between which faction to focus on. Focus has always been an issue for me - too many shinies pulling me in several directions at once; Nurgle, Bloodbound, Skaven (Clan Pestilence), Dwarfs. I could go on and I'm pretty sure a lot of you reading this are just as prone to Shiny-Toy-Soldier syndrome as much as I. However, the Ironjawz release really grabbed me and after reading over them and dribbling at the new models, I took the plu



Green Ambition

My first army was an Orc & Goblin force led by Gromm the Paunch from the Misty Mountain. This was for 3rd and 4th Edition and was the only army I ever collected, painted and gamed with regularly. This was back in the 80's/90's and it helped that I was working for GW at the time. We had a pretty good store campaign going which combined WFB, Mighty Empires and Man O' War to create a truly world-spanning series of games that ran for the best part of a year. Good times. That world no longer



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