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My 2017 Challenge! Each year I try and set myself a new challenge, for 2017, I am going for a big one. Seven 1000pt Armies in 1 year! It sounds like a lot, but I have found this year through commissions and my own painting I have had times been able to crack out 2000 points in two weeks, so 7000 in 52 weeks sounds very viable. Here is my Blog progress!

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Change of mind!

Ok so a bit of an update to the 7 army list... with new releases and other factors my 7 armies are now as below.  Phoenix Guard (50% Complete) Nurgle Rotbringers (Complete) Colliegate Arcane (80% Complete) Stormcast Vanguard  Fyreslayers Stormcast Eternals Nighthaunt Completely different from the initial list I know but hey.... its my armies!  



1/7 Nurgle Rotbringers Complete!

The first army of the challenge has been complete! I present to you my Blight Guard formation which consists of Lord of Plagues (Darklands Mini), Rotbringer Sorcerer (Which I converted from BlightKing bits.) and 20 BlightKings.  If you would like to check out the How I Paint Series on this please visit.. http://www.hobbyhammer.com/2017/02/how-i-paint-series-nurgle-rotbringers.html  This army was super fun to paint, especially the washes to achieve the bruising effects. I shall be getti




Good Afternoon! I wanted to get this down so I basically commit myself to it. As the title and description says. 7 armies in one year. Easy.... My first task will be of course picking the 7 armies I want to do. Over the past couple of days, I have created a 1000 point army for every faction in AoS so far. You can find the link to this below, 1000pt Army Lists for every faction I then went onto looking back through them and creating a shortlist, this took the list down to 17 armies



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