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About this blog

Welcome to the story of a not-yet-determined number of gamers who will be traveling together on a journey of self-discovery, adventure, and painting and putting together tiny plastic creatures.

Mostly painting and putting together tiny plastic creatures.

The members of this merry band include...

  • Myself, Mark Stone, who will be painting skeletons and vampires, beginning with the Start Collecting! Skeleton Horde box.
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
  • Etc.

This group wouldn't exist without the awesome NorCal Age of Sigmar Facebook group. If you are reading this and live in the northern half of California, give us a follow!

Entries in this blog

Sameer Patel Enters the Fray!

Northern California resident Sameer Patel has entered into our Tale of Gamers with his "a la carte" Ironjawz, a pseudo starter box assembled from some new Ironjawz models and some OOP metals.   



Welcome To... Me!

And here I am posing with my Start Collecting! box. It's hardly the first models I've bought for this branch of my Undead, but it's definitely the core of the force, since ten snap-fit skeletons, ten grave guard without bases, five black knights, and a couple of different wight kings are hardly an army. I mean, I guess technically it's an army, but not a good one. I'd like to get everyone to write a little something about themselves and why they chose this army for our Tale of Gamers, and s



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